Hi there and welcome to Love To Frugal!

I’m thrilled you are here and I hope you’ll settle in and stay a while!

Here, at Love To Frugal, we believe that financial freedom isn’t just for the fortunate few—it’s a goal attainable by anyone willing to embrace a frugal lifestyle. Whether you’re seeking to save money, pay off debt, or simply live more intentionally, our blog is your go-to resource for practical tips, insightful advice, and inspiration on all things frugal.

Love To Frugal is dedicated to empowering individuals and families to take control of their finances and live abundantly on a modest budget. We understand that each person’s journey to financial stability is unique, which is why we provide a diverse range of content tailored to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

What you’ll find here at Love To Frugal:
  • Creative, money saving ideas to help you stretch your dollars.
  • Tips on how to budget.
  • Tips on getting out of debt.
  • Menu planning.
  • Tips on cleaning and organizing your home.
  • How to learn to be content with what you have and living abundantly.
  • Healthy lifestyle choices.
  • Cool DIY projects
  • Most of all, I would like to show you that you can live a rich, blessed, simple, frugal life without ever feeling deprived.

about me

About me…

I’m Kimberly, the creator & blogger behind Love To Frugal.

I was lucky enough to marry my best friend way back in 1982. We started dating when I was only sixteen and he was twenty & married a year and a half later The rest is history, you could say.

Our family consist of three grown children, two son in laws, a daughter in law, and nine grand blessings.

We are early retired, debt and mortgage free empty nesters. My husband is a retired firefighter and I blog and (decorative) paint. We love to travel in our RV every chance we get and we also enjoy being at home, working on home projects, and getting together with our large family and many dear friends.

Frugality is a way of life…

For many years, I have been able to do many things to supplement our family’s income, while being a SAHM. I am a decorative painter by trade and you may even see some of my projects on this blog. Decorative painting is  “therapy” for me. I’m in a whole different world when I am painting or being creative. In the past, I have sold Avon, owned a gift shop, been a personal trainer, and cleaned houses. Now, I enjoy blogging about frugal living and what it has afforded our family.

I have been blessed to be able to do what I enjoy and contribute significantly to our household income…all while living within our means, embracing frugality and living on a budget.

One person that has really helped me on my journey to living a contented, debt free life is Dave Ramsey. I started listening to him many years ago, when we seemed to always have more month than money. I was immediately drawn to Dave’s philosophy of living within or below your means.  That really struck a cord with me and it all made sense. Live on less than you make and the borrower is slave to lender! I am who I am today because of Dave and his teachings and I can’t recommend him enough!

I also have to give credit to my sweet Mom because she raised me to know the value of a dollar and how to get the most out of it.  My mom was a pro at pinching those pennies, so I learned from the best!

I also found out, by listening to and following Dave, that I’m a NERD at heart. You may think it’s a little strange, but I actually enjoy sitting down and making our family budget and balancing the checkbook. There is something totally gratifying about knowing where your money is going instead of wondering where it went.

I don’t care if you make $10,000 a year or $500,000 a year…Everyone NEEDS a budget!

I’ve never felt that a budget was restrictive….it’s actually quite the opposite. A budget is freedom! A budget has allowed our family to do many fun & wonderful things over the years and it has also kept us out of debt.  You can check out how to get started on a budget, here.

It doesn’t take a ton of money to have fun, eat well, look fashionable and have an all around, fabulous life.
So, I hope you stick around and come back often.  I would love to share thoughts and ideas with you throughout this frugal living journey!


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